Sunday, July 20, 2008

Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico

Well we made it through the thunder and lightening storm last night and actually woke up to dry ground, I guess that's what you get in the desert! The drive was pretty uneventful UNTIL Poppa decided that it was time for Amy to drive. He said that it was a straight shot and only about 24 miles. Well, Amy made it onto the freeway but had a little trouble staying in her lane and then panicked when about 10 big rigs went by her. Unfortunately, she had to pull over and let Poppa take over. She did in fact, beat last years driving distance of 250 ft and went about 500 yards. Unfortunately, she also needed to take a long nap afterwards with Grace and Justin because of the stress! :) We made it to Carlsbad Caverns today. We took an elevator down 750 feet into the earth to see the stalagmites and the stalactites. We saw what they call the Big Room which was a cave that was a 1/4 of a mile long. Justin, Gramma, and Poppa really enjoyed it and took a lot of time looking at everything much to Grace's dismay! Grace was not too excited about the caverns and so Amy and Grace were done quite a bit faster than the rest of them. Lola (our GPS) took us the scenic route to our campsite after the Caverns but we made it before dusk and got all set up. Poppa and Justin have there jobs down quickly already. Can't wait to find out where we're off to tomorrow.

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